Obtaining full copies and extracts of civil status documents in France. Here is a summary of the different cases:
You must have or create a Service-Public.fr account or use FranceConnect
Birth and Marriage Certificates
Full Copies and Extracts with Parentage: Can be delivered to:
- The holder of the document (if he is an adult or emancipated)
- His parents, grandparents
- His children
- Her spouse
- His legal representative (parents, guardian, curator)
- His agent (notary, lawyer)
Cannot obtain full copies Can obtain extracts with filiation if they prove their status as heir and indicate the names of the holder's parents
Other Heirs: Can obtain extracts with filiation by justifying their status as heir with a notarial certificate (without needing to indicate the names of the holder's parents)
Every person : Can obtain an extract without filiation by indicating the date, place of the event, and the names of the holders of the document
Acts of Recognition
Full Copies: Delivered to:
- The holder of the document (if he is an adult or emancipated)
- His parents, grandparents
- His children
- Her spouse
- His legal representative (parents, guardian, curator)
- His agent (notary, lawyer)
- His heirs (provided that they prove this quality)
Death Certificates
Full Copies: Issued to any applicant who indicates the date and place of death.
The online service is available at from the local public site: https://www.service-public.fr.
The site www.lescommunes.com allows you to more easily find the town hall where you can obtain this document. Please note: You will then need to fill out a form, download it or print it and then post it to your address. the address indicated.
Click on link below, You will be redirected to to the site https://www.service-public.fr.Request for a copy of a civil status act COLMEN
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(*): Please note that telephone charges may apply.
PS: The site www.lescommunes.com has no direct link with Public service. It simply allows you to connect to their website. It does not provide any services.